Thirteenth Court of Appeals

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Justice Jaime Eduardo Tijerina was elected as the Chief of the 13th Court of Appeals in November 2024. Justice Tijerina was previously appointed to the court by Governor Greg Abbott in August of 2019 and was elected in November 2020 to serve a full term. Justice Tijerina also served as the 464th and 93rd District Court Judge in 2018 and 2019, positions also appointed by Governor Abbott. Justice Tijerina served as a City Attorney with the City of Mission, Texas from 2014 through 2018. In 2013 Justice Tijerina was appointed Judge of the 92nd State District Court by Governor Rick Perry to fill a vacancy and held that position until the end of 2014. Prior to his appointment, Justice Tijerina was in private practice in McAllen, Texas. Justice Tijerina previously served in an official public capacity as County Attorney for Kenedy County, Texas, a position he was elected to in 2000 and held for twelve years. Justice Tijerina is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army Reserves and served in various positions across Texas for over 31 years. Justice Tijerina’s active military service includes service as Command Judge Advocate for the 211th Regional Support Group in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in Tikrit, Iraq in 2009 and as Legal Advisor to the Afghan National Police Legal Affairs in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Kabul, Afghanistan in 2012. Justice Tijerina was awarded a Bronze Star for his service in both Iraq and Afghanistan. A successful businessman and avid outdoorsman, Justice Tijerina is owner of Tijerina Ranch, a cattle and hunting operation in Kenedy County, Texas.
Justice Tijerina currently serves on the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Alumni Advisory Board. Justice Tijerina formerly served as a board member and board secretary for the Food Bank Rio Grande Valley, as a board member and president of the University of Texas-Pan American Alumni Association, as a panel member and chair of the State Bar of Texas District 13 Grievance Committee, as a board member of the Texas District and County Attorney’s Association and as board member of the Hidalgo County Young Lawyers Association. Justice Tijerina was also recently elected as a fellow of the Texas Bar Foundation and to the Texas Prosecutor’s Society. Justice Tijerina is a member of The College of The State Bar of Texas.
Justice Tijerina is a graduate from McAllen High School and received his Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Texas –Pan American. He attended the Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University, where he received his juris doctor degree in 1995. Justice Tijerina is also a graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College.
Justice Tijerina is the son of Judge Cruz†and Lillie† Tijerina of McAllen, Texas. He is married (Diane).